Please be advised that our industry is facing exceptional volumes at present. Transport & Logistics as a sector are faced with an unprecedented surge in volumes this year driven by increased domestic transport as a result of Brexit and the recovery of the UK economy as COVID-19 restrictions ease.

This has further been compounded due to the ongoing lack of availability of vehicles and trailers and the closure of DVSA driver testing sites over the last few months, creating a huge backlog of new drivers who have been unable to join the industry and increase driver capacity.

Because of these challenges impacting the entire industry, more freight is being put through networks.  Recent Association of Pallet Network figures show that volumes in March were up nearly 30% – this is after an 11% increase in 2020.

Despite this, the team at C&D South West and our partners throughout the Palletforce network are focused on maintaining service levels and working hard to continue delivering loads of quality despite this surge.

Our network is actively developing more network delivery capacity in areas where it is needed most however it has meant that in the short term you may experience some delays to your delivery times at present.

Due to the unprecedented surge in freight, we would politely ask that you can make your customers and delivery points aware of the current issues within our sector. This is so they can understand why certain services could be delayed at this moment in time.

To minimise further delays, we also please ask that all freight is well presented. Additionally, any prior notice that can be given for higher volumes of freight would be appreciated. This is to allow us and our network partners to best plan our resources and allocate vehicles more efficiently.

Palletforce is rapidly scaling up resource at the SuperHub, and are successful at attracting quality new members to add long term delivery capacity.

We hope that you can understand the current circumstances, should your consignments be subject to any delays and we will endeavour to keep all of our clients informed as promptly as possible with regards to any such delays.

Assuring you of our very best intentions at all times.

C & D South West Ltd

Guaranteed On Time & Backed by the Latest Technology
in Delivery Tracking

Qualifications & Accreditations

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