UK Pallet Networks Join Forces
Rest assured in these difficult times, the hauliers of the country have got your back….. here at C & D South West we are founding members of the Palletforce Ltd network.
The UK’s pallet networks are uniquely placed to ensure timely and reliable supply of emergency goods to anywhere in the UK. Between them they have 30,000 employees, over 750 depots, a fleet of 23,500 vehicles and offer 100% coverage by postcode.
We are proud to be part of this with our Palletforce Ltd membership.
Like many other independent hauliers across the country, C & D South West and the Palletforce Network are supporting the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Association of Pallet Network (APN) Chairman Paul Sanders says:“The supply of emergency supplies for critical operations – not least ensuring food in our supermarkets and well stocked pharmacies and hospitals – is one of the most important aspects of protecting the UK public during this crisis.”
We are proud to be supporting our economy alongside all the other fantastic key workers during these difficult times.
Thank you to all our fantastic staff, clients and suppliers that keep us doing what we do and deliver loads of quality, day in, day out.
Lets stick together and get through this…

#cdsw #deliverloadsofquality #Palletforce #PalletNetwork #Transport #Distribution #Somerset #Southwest